Monday, March 5, 2012

EntreFest 2012

I get excited this time of year as the snow (or what little snow we had) starts to melt away the doldrums of winter and gives way to spring and hope of a great year.  With this, comes EntreFest!  It's a two-day battery re-charger for me.  I get to rub shoulders with hundreds of other entrepreneurs in the state of Iowa and compare notes on what does and doesn't work in small business these days.

EntreFest in the past has been held in Cedar Falls, Coralville, Des Moines, Dubuque, and this year in Ames.  I'm glad for the fact it is centralized this year, with gas being up over $3.50 a gallon, that many people who wouldn't drive to the out edges of the state can congregate in Ames.  Past conferences have featured speakers I have become personal friends with.  Al Lautenslager, Bob Clements, and Susan Solovic to just name (drop) a few of the keynote speakers are people I have had interactions with since EntreFest.  Susan even featured me on her TV show last March!  I was thrilled!

EntreFest! is coordinated by the UNI MyEntre.Net staff who with the assistance of a collaborative group of Iowa's premier service providers, work together to bring this great event to fruition every year -- and I'm glad for that!

See you at the party!!

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